C. 158
(M 265r; Di Brazzano Nr. 37)
Mirador should be here!



The poem deals with a historical event, dating back to 29 June 1500, when pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia, c. 1431/34-1503) was involved in an accident. During a thunderstorm, the roof of the papal palace collapsed. The pope was hurt but lightly because a ceiling beam above his seat had stood firm. Alexander's immoral lifestyle, his unscrupulous politics and his bad relationship to Maximilian I are here reflected in a sinister interpretation of the events: the devil has saved Alexander because he wants to drag him to hell alive. For other poems on this subject, see Di Brazzano 2005, 456. Di Brazzano collated O with a manuscirpt written by Hartmann Schedel (M, see apparatus).
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Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Dum pater omnipotens nuper sibi poscere summum Als der allmächtige Vater unlängst danach trachtete, den Papst
2 Pontificem memori funere forte parat, durch einen Unglücksfall mit einem denkwürdigen Tode zu sich zu rufen,
3 Dum libet insigni meritum cecidisse ruina als es ihm beliebte, diesen, wie er es verdiente, durch einen gewaltigen Einsturz sterben zu lassen
4 Vertit et in dominum tecta superba suum, und als das hochmütig aufragende Dach auf seinen Herrn zustürzte,
5 Obstiterunt superis Erebi fera numina divis da stellten sich die Gottheiten der Unterwelt den himmlischen Göttern entgegen
this reading involves a rare scanning (the e has to be short). It probably was replaced by obstiterant in our codex for this reason (see Di Brazzano 2005, 456-457)
Erebos was an ancient word for the underworld; in a Christian context, it indicates hell; cfr. v. 9.
6 Atque humeris magnas sustinuere trabes. und stützten die riesigen Balken mit ihren Schultern.
7 „Nostra quid", exclamat Pluto, „nunc iura lacessunt „Warum widersetzen sich", rief Pluto aus, „die Himmelsbewohner nun unserem
the name of the ancient god of the underworld is a common metonymy for the devil.
8 Caelicolae? Est cunctis legibus iste meus. Recht? In allen Gesetzesbereichen ist dieser Mann da mir unterworfen."
Di Brazzano 2005, 45, points out that this might be an authorial varia lectio. Bonomo may first have written ille and replaced it with iste later.
9 Integra Alexandri poscunt mea Tartara pridem Mein Tartaros fordert Alexander schon längst körperlich unversehrt
Tartarus or Tartara (n. pl.) is another ancient name of the underworld; cf. v. 5.
10 Membra, nec ad Stygias mortuus ibit aquas." ein, und als Untoter wird er zu den Fluten des Styx gelangen."
Stygias ... aquas
the Styx is a mythical river separating the underworld from the world of the living.
11 Ille igitur letum superat nec damna perenni Jener überwindet also den Tod und man sieht, dass diesem unvergänglichen
the adjective is hyperbolic and ironic. Only someone immortal, the poet seems to say, can survive an accident like this one.
12 Ulla vides prorsus posse nocere viro. Mann keinerlei Schaden mehr zugefügt werden kann.
the adjective is hyperbolic and ironic. Only someone immortal, the poet seems to say, can survive an accident like this one.
13 Ast Hecates vivum rapiens mox turba per auras Bald aber wird das Gefolge der Hekate ihn lebendig ergreifen und ihn unerbittlich
Hecates ... turba
Hecate is an ancient goddess of magic and the underworld. In Greek mythology, she is often accompanied by dogs and other animals of sinister connotations. Here, the 'entourage of Hecate' probably is constituted of hellish devils or demons.
14 Ducet ad infernas imperiosa domos. durch die Lüfte zu den Ländern der Unterwelt fortreißen.
Tit. De casu Alexandri Sexti pontificis maximi O : De casu summi pontificis M
5 obstiterunt M : obstiterant O
7 lacessunt O : lacescunt M
8 caelicolae O : caelice M iste O : ille M