C. 52
(Zingerle Nr. 38; Brazzano Nr. 9)
Mirador should be here!



The poem develops the typical literary topos of the man of letters who complains about his poverty. Emperor Frederick III, known for his stinginess, has abolished the daily food supply for his subjects who are now complaining. The poet asks the emperor to reintroduce the delivery of the food.
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Zeigt 1 - 13 von 13
Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Sportula iam cessat, nusquam fumare culina Das Speisekörbchen bleibt nun aus, nirgends sieht man Küchen dampfen:
Sportula iam cessat
the terminology used in the poem is heavily reliant on that of Martial and Juvenal: in their works, they both describe the relationship between the patronus and the cliens. The term sportula used to denote the lunch basket containing the food necessary for the day that the Roman patronus gave to his cliens in exchange for his services. In this context, it may indicate some kind of public food bank. The theme of food scarcity is quite common in the works related to the topos of the so-called contemptus aulae (contempt for the court).
2 Cernitur: Hanns unctas non habet ipse manus. Selbst Hans hat die Hände nicht schmierig.
the poet will no longer be able to enjoy the food prepared by the cook Hans.
3 Quid facient miseri, quis nulla caulis in olla Was werden die Armseligen machen, bei denen kein Kohlkopf im Kochtopf
4 Fervet, habent salsam fercula nulla suem, siedet, kein gesalzenes Schweinefleisch auf Servierplatten gebracht wird,
5 Nulla terunt liquido pultem mortaria suco die Mörser keinen dicken Brei mit klarem Saft mahlen
6 Nec verubus tostas ars parat ulla dapes? und die Kochkunst keine Speisen am Bratspieß röstet?
7 Ingemit hinc passim maesto gens Teutona vultu, Das teutonische Volk seufzt deswegen überall mit trauriger Miene auf,
gens Teutona
the situation is obviously set in a German-speaking environment, most probably at Frederick's court in Vienna or Linz.
8 Iactatur toto multa querela foro. auf dem ganzen Marktplatz werden unablässig Klagen ausgestoßen.
9 Pande pias, Friderice, manus, miserere precantum: Breite deine gnädigen Arme aus, Friedrich, hab Erbarmen mit den Bittstellern:
10a Gaudia quanta tuis uncta patella dabit! Wie viel Freude wird deine fettige Schüssel den Deinen bereiten!
Alias: Anderswo:
10b Gaudia quanta tuis krawt reparare potest! Wie viel Freude kann das Sauerkraut den Deinen bereiten!
Gaudia quanta tuis krawt reparare potest!
this is probably an author variant. The use of the German term krawt is intended to create a comical effect.
Τέλος Ende.