C. 56
(Zingerle Nr. 40; Di Brazzano Nr. 13)
Mirador should be here!



This short poem is dedicated to the poet Cornelio Paolo Amalteo: even if the Amalteos were extremely wealthy, the most valuable gift that the poet could provide is always an elegant poem. The gods themselves do not have the same benefits. In fact, all material wealth has an end, whilst poetry is to be everlasting.
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1 Paule, decus patriae, parvi lux magna Naonis, Paulus, Stolz des Vaterlandes, großer Ruhmesglanz des kleinen Pordenone,
Paule...Amalthea gloria prima domo
these verses are certainly reminiscent of the words used by Amalteo himself at the end of the poem composed in 1489 to celebrate the visit of Frederick III to Pordenone (C. 2, 133-134 , Haec ego concinui Naucelli natus ad undas / Paulus Amaltheae prima favilla domus) and of the words used by Cimbriaco to praise the Marquis Leopold of Austria (et Austriacae gloria prima domus). Concerning the case of court poets who seem to quote one another, see Zingerle 1880, XXXVIII.
2 Natus Amalthea gloria prima domo: geboren als erste Zierde des Hauses Amaltheus:
Paule...Amalthea gloria prima domo
these verses are certainly reminiscent of the words used by Amalteo himself at the end of the poem composed in 1489 to celebrate the visit of Frederick III to Pordenone (C. 2, 133-134 , Haec ego concinui Naucelli natus ad undas / Paulus Amaltheae prima favilla domus) and of the words used by Cimbriaco to praise the Marquis Leopold of Austria (et Austriacae gloria prima domus). Concerning the case of court poets who seem to quote one another, see Zingerle 1880, XXXVIII.
3 Si tibi Pactolus fulvum sine fine metallum Wenn dir der Pactolus unendlich viel goldenes Metall
Pactolus...Lydius Hermus
The Pactolus is a river of Asia Minor that originates from Mount Tmolus and at the end of its course flows into the Geditz River (ancient Hermus). The city of Sardi, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Lydia, was built on its banks. From the waters of Pactolus was obtained the electron, a mixed metal of gold and silver. As a result, it became the paradigm of the gold river in poetic language.
4 Afferat aut dites Lydius Hermus aquas, anschwemmen würde oder der lydische Hermus goldreiches Wasser,
Pactolus...Lydius Hermus
The Pactolus is a river of Asia Minor that originates from Mount Tmolus and at the end of its course flows into the Geditz River (ancient Hermus). The city of Sardi, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Lydia, was built on its banks. From the waters of Pactolus was obtained the electron, a mixed metal of gold and silver. As a result, it became the paradigm of the gold river in poetic language.
5 Quidquid et Eoa nudus legit Indus in unda, und dein Haus mit allem Gold, das der Inder unbekleidet in östlichen
Roman poets often mention India as a land rich in gold rivers.
6 Ornet inauratos accumuletque Lares, Gewässern aufliest, geschmückt und überhäuft würde,
7 Nil dederis lepido, mihi crede, decentius umquam so könntest du niemals, glaube mir, etwas Lieblicheres darbringen als ein reizendes
8 Carmine; non maius numina munus habent. Gedicht; selbst die Götter besitzen keine größeren Geschenke.
9 Est ratio: Labuntur opes, sunt frivola rerum Dafür gibt es einen Grund: Reichtümer verfallen, alle Gegenstände sind nichtig
10 Omnia - ab aeterno carmen ubique viget. - ein Gedicht aber behält für alle Zeit und überall seine Kraft.
Τέλος Ende.