C. 72
Mirador should be here!



The author rejects the idea that conquests, battles and bloodshed constitute the glory of a ruler (Alexander the Great is given as a negative example). In reality, peace and harmony bring honour to a ruler, as in the case of Frederick, who is awaited by eternal glory and deification. Indeed, Frederick III was known to be exceptionally pacific.

We have an index of Nardino’s 65 poems in a manuscript owned by Giusto Fontanini (BNM, MSS Lat., cl. XIV, cod. 50 (4238), ff. 158v-159r and in another one owned by Francesco Melchiori (BICO, MS 18 L. 13): for a detailed account, see Calvelli 2003. In both indexes, there is no mention of a poem dedicated to Frederick III. Therefore, two different conclusions may be drawn: 1. The Innsbruck manuscript keeps an otherwise unknown poem by Nardino Celinese; 2. Given the cases of Francesco Negri and Publio Delio Volsco, the poem in question may be the result of a process of text recycling: in other words, the manuscript’s compiler(s) or the author himself took one of Nardino’s encomiastic poems and adapted it to another dedicatee (Frederick). A more extensive analysis of the manuscript material is needed in order to shed light on this case.
Anzahl Seiten
Anzahl Zeilen
Zeigt 1 - 43 von 43
Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Cura Iovis magni, salve, iustissime Caesar, Du Schützling des großen Jupiter, sei gegrüßt, gerechtester Kaiser,
iustissime Caesar
the emperor Frederick.
2 Philyridem superas qui bonitate senem. der du den greisen Sohn der Philyra an Güte übertriffst.
Chiron, the centaur son of Phylira and Saturnus, who turned into a horse in order to have sexual intercurse with her. Chiron was considered the noblest, wisest and most just of the centaurs.
3 Lactea sidereo plaga circumfusa nitore Die Milchstraße, gehüllt in Sternenglanz,
4 Apparat Aoniis te sociare choris. schickt sich an, dich zu den Musenchören zu gesellen.
Aoniis te sociare choris
in this context, the meaning of this reference to the Muses is unclear. What is perhaps meant is: The emperor will ascend into the Milky Way and the choirs of the muses, i.e. the poets, will praise him (even more than now).
5 Non Mars, non Bellona tibi est cordi aut fuit umquam: Nicht Mars, nicht Bellona sind oder waren dir jemals wichtig:
the Roman deities of the war.
6 Intemeratus ades aque cruore procul. Unbefleckt und ohne jemals Blut vergossen zu haben stehst du hier.
7 Et quid enim est aliud Mars, ni stultissima regum Und was ist denn der Krieg anderes als die törichteste Prahlerei
8 Gloria? Quos trucibus computat ira feris, von Königen? Diejenigen, die ihre Wut den wilden Tieren gleichmacht,
9 Dia quidem hos ferit obliquo sapientia dente, die zerfetzt die göttliche Weisheit mit krummem Zahn,
10 Luget Halesini tristior amnis olor. die betrauert schwermütig der Schwan des Halesus-Flusses.
Hălĕs, Haletis is a river in Lucania, today’s Alento. The meaning of this verse is obscure. Moreover, the passage is not clearly legible in the manuscript; the passage may be corrupt.
11 Quid fecisti, o Pellaee memorate per orbem Was hast du getan, Fürst aus Pella, weltweit bekannt,
the expression corresponds to Macedon Rex, that is Alexander the Great, who was from Pella in Macedonia.
12 Dux et Eoi tam vasta ruina poli? Zerstörer und Verwüster des Morgenlandes?
13 „Stravit Achaemenios reges, penetravit ad Indos „Mit meiner Kraft habe ich die achämenidischen Könige niedergestreckt, bin bis nach Indien
reference to the dynasty ruling over ancient Persia. Alexander conquered the huge Persian empire in a military campaign and advanced as far as India.
14 Vis mea, non timuit proxima Solis equos; vorgedrungen, habe mich nicht gefürchtet, als ich den Rossen des Sonnengottes nahe kam;
Achaemenios reges...Indos:
reference to the dynasty ruling over ancient Persia. Alexander conquered the huge Persian empire in a military campaign and advanced as far as India.
15 Indomita virtute fui, Amphitryonide maior, ich war von unbezwinglicher Tapferkeit, größer als der Sohn des Amphitryon,
the term indicates Heracles, son of Zeus and Alcmene. Zeus took on the form of Alcmene's husband, Amphitryon, and visited Alcmene one night in her bed.
16 Prae se me vidit Liber et ipse pater. sogar Vater Liber sah, dass ich ihm überlegen war.
the term indicates the god Dionysus/Bacchus. Heracles and Bacchus are mentioned here because both heroes travelled and cultivated the world, the former towards the west, the latter towards the east. Alexander's expansion campaigns are compared to these achievements.
17 Testes Gangaridae Scythaeque et Bactria regna, Das bezeugen die Gangariden, die Skythen und das baktrische Reich,
Gangaridae Scythaeque et Bactria regna
the Indians (Gangaridae) live in the area of the sacred river Ganges. The Scythians (Scythae) lived in an area encompassing Central Asia and parts of Eastern Europe east of the Vistula River. Bactria or Bactriana (Bactria regna) was an ancient region in Central Asia. Alexander the Great conquered a vast empire that stretched from Greece across the Near and Middle East to India and also included Egypt and parts of the Arabian Peninsula in the south.
18 Issus et Arbele, unda cruenta Lyci Issus und Arbela, die blutigen Wogen des Lycus,
Issus et Arbele...Lyci
the Battle of Issus took place in southern Anatolia, in 333 BC, between the Hellenic army led by Alexander the Great and the Achaemenid Empire, led by Darius III. The Battle of Gaugamela (Arbela), was fought in 331 BC between Alexander's and Darius' armies. The name Lycus indicates a river flowing near Gaugamela.
19 Atque Pylaeae fauces et superatus Hydaspes: der Engpass der Thermopylen und der überwundene Hydaspes:
Pylaeae fauces
in 338, Alexander passed through the Pylae (Thermopylae) and occupied Elatea.
superatus Hydaspes
the Battle of the Hydaspes was fought between Alexander the Great and King Porus in 326 BCE. It took place on the banks of the Hydaspes River (today Jhelum River in modern-day Punjab, Pakistan). The battle resulted in a Greek victory and the incorporation of large areas of Punjab into the Alexandrian Empire.
20 Sanguine cuncta rubent Marte subacta meo. Alles glänzt rot von Blut, unterworfen durch meine Kriegskunst.
21 Dicor Alexander Gradivi Magnus honore, Wegen meines Kriegsruhms nennt man mich Alexander der Große,
epithet of the war god Mars.
22 Dicor et Ammonis filius esse dei." sogar für den Sohn des Gottes Ammon hält man mich."
Ammonis filius
Alexander advanced on Egypt in 332 BC. To legitimize taking power and be recognized as the descendant of the long line of pharaohs, he was pronounced son of the deity Amun at the Oracle of Siwa Oasis in the Libyan desert. Henceforth, Alexander often referred to Zeus-Ammon as his true father.
23 O dementia regis et o ludibria vana, O was für eine Torheit, welch eitles Blendwerk des Königs,
24 Qui veram laudem credidit esse necem! der Mord für die wahre Ruhmestat hielt!
25 Intonat Androcides divina mente profusus: Laut tönte Androcides, von göttlichem Geist erfüllt:
Androcides, a well-known sage and physician, is said to have once written to Alexander that he should moderate himself, for if he had not drunk huge amounts of wine, he would not have murdered his friend Cleitus in a drunken quarrel (Plin. 14,7).
this form is likely used as if it corresponded to perfusus.
26 „Hostia foedata non placet ulla Iovi." „Niemals gefällt Jupiter ein geschändetes Schlachtopfer."
27 Hoc et Aristoteles: „Parcas effundere", dixit, So sagte auch Aristoteles: „Hüte dich davor, Blut
Aristoteles of Stagyra (384-322 BC), the great Greek philosopher. In 343 BC, under request of Philip II of Macedon, he started to tutor Alexander the Great.
28 „sanguinem, Alexander, impia bella fuge!" zu vergießen, Alexander, meide frevelhafte Kriege!"
29 Quare admiror et obstupeo nunc te, inclute Caesar, Deshalb bewundere und bestaune ich nun dich, ruhmvoller Kaiser,
30 Qui bene tam servas tetrica iussa virum. der du die ernsthaften Anweisungen dieser Männer so gut befolgst.
31 Sola togae laus et merito tibi sacra videtur, Zu Recht gilt dir nur der Ruhm des Friedensgewandes als heilig,
32 Palladia cingit sola corona caput: nur die Krone aus Olivenzweigen umkränzt dein Haupt:
the olive tree, an attribute of the goddess Pallas Athena, is a symbol of peace.
33 Haec hominum propria est, leges et foedera firmans Diese ist den Menschen eigen, sie festigt Gesetze und Bündnisse
34 For<t>iter humanum vincit amica genus; und verbindet so das Menschengeschlecht fest in Freundschaft miteinander;
35 Hac olim oblectata bono Rhamnusia saeclo mit ihr hat die rhamnusische Göttin im glücklichen Zeitalter zur Erheiterung
the name indicates Nemesis, the Greek goddess who punishes those who lack humility and show arrogance in the presence of gods.
36 Saturni cana tempora compsit avi. das grauhaarige Haupt des Ahnherrn Saturn geschmückt.
the mythical so-called Golden Age, the primordial ideal state of human society before the emergence of civilisation, a period of peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity, was associated with the reign of the god Saturn.
37 Vive diu felix ergo, augustissime Caesar, Also lebe lange und glücklich, ehrwürdigster Kaiser,
38 Qui supra horizonta numen adire paras! der du dich anschickst, jenseits des Horizonts zu den Göttern zu gehen!
39 De pietate tua non solum Arctoa loquetur Über deine Sanftmut werden nicht nur die Leute im Norden sprechen
40 Gens et i populi, quos rigat amnis Arar - und die Völker an den Ufern des Flusses Saône -
Gens...quos rigat amnis Arar
the verse indicates the French, living in an area where the Saône river (Arar) flows.
41 Omnis honor lauri te per totum undique mundum aller Ruhm deines Triumphes wird dich durch die Dichtung über die ganze Welt hinweg
42 Carmine concelebrans tollet in astra pium. überall bekanntmachen und dich in deiner Frömmigkeit zu den Sternen erheben.
43 Vale, caelicolis future incrementum! Leb wohl, du künftiger Zuwachs bei den Himmelsbewohnern!
4 Aoniis corr. : Eoniis O
18 Arbele corr. : Harbelle O
34 Fortiter corr. : Foriter O