C. 80
Mirador should be here!



This anonymous poem deals with the Italian invasion led by Charles VIII of France in 1494 (the French are called Gauls in an antique-like way). Claiming Naples, which was under Spanish control, to the royal house of France, the king crossed the Alps, entered Rome on the last day of the year and conquered Naples in 1495. The poem focusses on what happened in Rome, depicted as a city which has lost its ancient glory and is now weak and effeminate, unable to defend itself.
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Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Mars furit et durum quatiens Bellona flagellum Mars wütet und Bellona schwingt brutal die Peitsche
the poem begins with a mention of the deities of war.
2 Ad fera turbatos convocat arma deos; und ruft die erzürnten Götter zu den todbringenden Waffen;
3 Tisiphone, ructans Erebeae virus Echidnae, Tisiphone verspeit das Gift der Höllenschlange Echidna
Tisiphone, ructans Erebeae virus Echidnae
Tisiphone was one of the three Erinyes or Furies. Echidna was a monster, half-woman and half-snake, also known as the 'mother of all monsters', since she gave birth to most of the monstrous creatures of Greek mythology.
4 Spargit atrox odii semina dira mali; und sät grimmig die unheilvollen Samen zerstörerischen Hasses;
5 Saeva caput tollit rabies; incendia, luctus die grausame Raserei erhebt ihr Haupt; Feuersbrünste, Leid
6 Et quaecumque Stygis monstra sub arce latent, und alle Ungeheuer, die sich im Schutz des Styx versteckt halten,
Styx is a river marking the boundary between Earth and the Underworld.
7 Dira fames auri petit; aestuat anxius ardor ruft die Geldgier herbei; das angstgetriebene Verlangen nach Macht
8 Imperii; clades ira furorque cient: lodert auf; Wut und Tobsucht entfachen Unheil:
9 In Latium iurat Rhenus rabidusque Garumna Gegen Latium verschwören sich der Rhein, die wilde Garonne,
the Rhine and the Garonne are both mentioned as French rivers.
10 Quique bibunt Rhodani flumina quique Tagi. diejenigen, die aus den Fluten der Rhône und die, die aus dem Tajo trinken.
those who drink the Rhône's waters are the French, whilst those who drink the Tagus' waters are the Spanish: Besides the French, also Spain, in the person of Ferdinand II of Aragon, had dynastic claims in Italy.
11 Hinnit equus, ballista tonat, Balearica stridet Die Pferde schnauben, die Wurfmaschine erdröhnt, die balearische Schleuder
slings were ancient projectile weapons used to throw blunt projectiles such as stones. In the Greco-Roman world, the Balearic Islands were considered the place of origin of this weapon and Balearic slingers were considered particularly skilled. Here the expression is used anachronistically, perhaps to indicate firearms.
12 Funda, strepunt litui, tympana, sistra, tubae, zischt, lärmend ertönen die Signalhörner, Pauken, Klappern und Trompeten,
slings were ancient projectile weapons used to throw blunt projectiles such as stones. In the Greco-Roman world, the Balearic Islands were considered the place of origin of this weapon and Balearic slingers were considered particularly skilled. Here the expression is used anachronistically, perhaps to indicate firearms.
13 Saxa ruunt, obstant clipei, ferit ensis et hasta, Steine prasseln herab, Schilde halten dagegen, Schwerter und Lanzen stoßen zu,
14 Tendit clava, fodit lancea, flamma cremat. Keulen schlagen auf, Speere durchbohren, Flammen brennen nieder.
15 Caeduntur tenerae vites, caeduntur aristae, Die zarten Weinreben werden umgehauen, die Ähren abgeschlagen,
16 Fertilis arreptis fructibus horret ager. der fruchtbare Ackerboden starrt von den Stoppeln der fortgerissenen Früchte.
17 Flet genetrix natum, fratrem fraterque sororque, Mütter beweinen ihre Söhne, Brüder und Schwestern ihre Brüder,
18 Mortuus uxorem vir cadit ante suam, Männer fallen vor den Augen ihrer Frauen tot um,
19 Matre ferus miles temerat clamante puellam, brutale Soldaten schänden Mädchen unter den Schreien ihrer Mütter,
20 Infans materno pectore raptus obit. kleine Kinder sterben, der Brust der Mütter entrissen.
21 O Latii tellus, spumans te sanguine multo, O Erde Latiums, die Albula, schäumend von Unmengen Blut,
22 Crede mihi, rubris Albula spargit aquis glaub mir, bespritzt dich mit rotem Wasser,
ancient name of the Tiber (Tiberis).
23 Et Capitolinas Gallus populabitur arces die Gallier verwüsten die kapitolinischen Festungen
reference to the Capitoline Hill in Rome and its fortresses.
24 Coget et imperium sub iuga saeva tuum - und zwingen dein Reich unter ihr grausames Joch -
25 Et merito, quia non patrios imitata triumphos und das zu Recht, weil du den Triumphen der Vorfahren nicht nachgeeifert hast
26 Muneribus Bacchi semisepulta iaces. und nun halb begraben unter bacchantischen Gaben darnieder liegst.
Muneribus Bacchi semisepulta iaces
vv: 25–30: the Roman army is described as a Bacchantic one (Bacchus being the god of wine and ecstasy), i.e. a completely unwarlike one: Everyone is drunk and effeminate, the fighters are young boys, satyrs (the wild, coarse, semi-animal companions of Bacchus) and maenads (the ecstatic raging female followers of the god). They carry the hastae pampineae (Bacchus’ thyrsus-staffs covered with ivy vines and leaves) and play the cymbals (cymbala), instruments connected to Bacchic rituals, instead of the tuba, which sounded during battles. The idea that the French should give way to such an army is of course ridiculous.
27 Ibit, io, ad bellum teneris comitatus ephebis, Juchhe, ein jeder Despot, der jemals Italien regierte,
28 Italiae quisquis regna tyrannus habet, wird in den Krieg ziehen, begleitet von zarten Jünglingen,
29 Semimares ducens satyros et maenades hastis im Gefolge kastrierte Satyrn und Mänaden mit weinlaubumwundenen
30 Pampineis. Quid stas? Cymbala, Galle, fuge! Stäben. Warum stehst du noch da? Fliehe vor den Zimbeln, Gallier!
31 Ecce tibi rapiet pro forti signa Camillo Schau her, anstelle des tapferen Camillus werden dir die Tochter des Tyndareus,
Marcus Furius Camillus, great Roman stateman and paradigm of Rome’s glory and military power.
32 Tyndaris, Oebalides, Hermaphroditus, Hylas! der Sohn des Oebalus, Hermaphroditus und Hylas die Feldzeichen entreißen!
Tyndaris, Oebalides, Hermaphroditus, Hylas
Tyndaris may indicate either Helena or Clytemnestra, the daughters of Tyndareus. The term Oebalides refers to Hyacinth, son of Oebalus and lover of Apollo. Hermaproditus was the two-sexed child of Aphrodite/Venus and Hermes/Mercury. Hylas was Hercules' lover and companion along with the Argonauts. The verse establishes a contrast between a male, strong and powerful representative of Roman history and female or effeminate mythological characters.
33 Roma, cades, Romae nec te sub nomine tutam Rom, du wirst fallen, und wähne dich nicht durch den Namen „Rom"
34 Esse puta, invictos quod tulit illa viros: geschützt, weil dieses unbesiegbare Männer hervorgebracht hat:
35 Nam tu non Roma es, Romae sed fabula. Cervus Denn du bist nicht Rom, sondern nur eine Erzählung von Rom. Sag, wird ein Hirsch
Cervus...An leo, dic, capta pelle leonis erit?
the poet presents a variant of a famous Aesopic tale, ʽThe Donkey in the Lion’s skinʼ. In the tale, a donkey pretends to be a powerful and fearsome animal by wearing the skin of a dead lion.
36 An leo, dic, capta pelle leonis erit? etwa zu einem Löwen werden, wenn er sich in ein Löwenfell kleidet?
Cervus...An leo, dic, capta pelle leonis erit?
the poet presents a variant of a famous Aesopic tale, ʽThe Donkey in the Lion’s skinʼ. In the tale, a donkey pretends to be a powerful and fearsome animal by wearing the skin of a dead lion.
Τέλος Ende.
3 Echidnae corr. : Echinne O
9 Garumna corr. : Garymma O
13 clipei corr. : clepei O
31 forti corr. : froti O
32 Hermaphroditus corr. : Hermophroditus O