C. 147
Mirador should be here!



The author urges visitors to sulphurous healing springs to pray at a nearby altar in addition to bathing in order to be healed. The text does not give any clues as to which spring is being referred to.
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Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Qui petitis calidas et hiantes sulphure lymphas, Die ihr die heißen, Schwefel ausdampfenden Quellgewässer aufsucht,
2 Ne malus absumat languida membra dolor, damit der üble Schmerz eure schwachen Glieder nicht zermürbe,
3 Discite virgineam venerari protinus aram lernt auch am nahegelegenen Altar der Jungfrau zu beten
it is not clear whether an altar for Virgin Mary or for another woman is meant, but the former seems more plausible.
4 Et primum illius quaerite fontis opem, und ersucht zuallererst um den Beistand jener Quelle,
5 Nec labor est longus vobis, cum virginis †...† und ihr werdet keine langwierige Mühsal haben, wenn die blasse Wassernymphe
virginis †...†
Since the last word of the manuscript is illegible, it remains unclear with which gift by the virgin the sulphur water gets mixed; alternatively, one could supplement arae, in which case the meaning would be that the altar is close to the sulphurous springs.
6 Sulphureas iungit pallida Nais aquas. die Schwefelwasser mit dem †...† der Jungfrau verbindet.
the term Naias or Nais was used in antiquity to indicate a female spirit or nymph who watched over springs, streams, rivers, lakes and the like.
7 Huc etenim quisquis puro cum pectore venit, Denn ein jeder, der mit reinem Herzen an diesen Ort gekommen ist,
8 Crede mihi, medica non eget ille manu. glaube mir, wird keine ärztliche Hilfe mehr benötigen.
Tit. Amalthei corr. : Almathei O
1 calidas corr. : caliditas O
5 ultimum verbum versus haud legibile est in O