C. 167
(Di Brazzano Nr. 44)
Mirador should be here!



In this elegy, the poet complains about his boring, miserable life at the court in Innsbruck, where Maximilian's second, unloved wife Bianca Maria Sforza languishes in the absence of her husband, her Milanese entourage is annoying and the poet is not even successful in killing time with an affair.
The addressee Matthäus Lang (1468-1540) was the most prominent member of Maximilian's court. He entered the royal chancery in 1490 and became bishop of Gurk in 1505 (cfr. the respective addition to the title, see apparatus). See Di Brazzano 2005, 467-69; Korenjak 2012, 87–88.
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Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Scire voles forsan, reginae curia nobis Vielleicht willst du wissen, wie es mir am Hof
reginae curia
Bianca Maria Sforza (1472-1510) was the second spouse of Maximilian I. As such, she was Queen of the Romans and, from 1508, Holy Roman Empress.
2 Quam placeat: Carmen perlege, Lange, meum. der Königin gefällt: Lies mein Gedicht durch, Lang.
3 Longa dies misero, nulla est <in> nocte voluptas, Die Tage ziehen sich für mich Unglücklichen zäh dahin, in den Nächten gibt es kein Vergnügen,
4 Gaudia vix saevis hostibus ista velim. kaum würde ich derartige „Freuden" den grausamsten Feinden wünschen.
5 Non aliud regina facit quam ludere chartis, Die Königin macht nichts anderes als Kartenspielen,
6 Aut sedet occlusa semisopita domo. oder sie sitzt halb schlafend hinter verschlossenen Türen.
Bonomo changes the prosody of the adjective from sēmĭsōpīt- as sēmĭsŏpīt- to squeeze it into the hexameter.
7 Turba vel Insubrum stimulat vel garrit in aurem, Die Schar der Insubrer lästert oder schwatzt ihr ins Ohr,
Turba ... Insubrum
The Insubri were a Celtic tribe who lived in the Po valley in ancient times and whose capital was Milano. Turba Insubrum is thus an antique-like designation of Bianca Maria Sforza's Milanese retinue.
8 Sive Caballini fabula inepta sonat. oder man lässt die abgeschmackten Geschichten von Caballinus vortragen.
Caballini fabula
this may be a reference to Giovanni Cavallini de' Cerroni (late 13th century-1349) and his Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum.
9 Nicoleos longis iactat sua terga capillis: Nikolaus schwingt prahlerisch seinen Rücken mit den langen Haaren hin und her:
The identity of this Nicoleos is obscure. The poet obviously does not approve of his and his father-in-law's character. That the man takes pride in his long hair may be taken as an indication of an effeminate lifestyle.
10 Inde gener soceri moribus usque quadrat. So harmoniert der Schwiegersohn stets gut mit den Sitten seines Schwiegervaters.
11 Angulus iste duas claudit, tres ille puellas, Im einen einsamen Winkel sitzen zwei Mädchen, in der anderen Ecke drei,
12 Consumit totos multa querela dies: und vergeuden ganze Tage mit unaufhörlichem Jammern:
13 Quaeque suos absens passim suspirat amantes Alle verzehren sie sich ringsherum schmachtend nach ihren Liebhabern in der Ferne,
14 Saepius et lacrimis ora pudica madent. ständig triefen ihre keuschen Wangen vor Tränen.
15 Has si forte iuvat maestum visisse, fatebor: Wenn es mich in meiner Niedergeschlagenheit vielleicht zunächst gefreut hatte, sie zu sehen, so muss ich gestehen:
16 Inde mihi maior poena dolorque venit. Danach quälen mich noch mehr Kummer und Pein.
17 Perdimus, heu, levibus tantum bona tempora verbis: Ach, bloß mit seichten Gesprächen vergeude ich die kostbare Zeit:
18 Saepius ad vetitas arrigo, nil futuo. Dauernd bin ich scharf auf die verbotenen Mädchen, komme aber nie zum Schuss.
19 His me, Lange, puto, voluistis ducere vitam Mit solchen Vergnügungen, Lang, scheint mir, wollt ihr mich mein Leben
voluistis ducere vitam...Veniant haec tibi cuncta
Lang apparently sent Bonomo to the court at Innsbruck and thus is held responsible for his sorry situation. However, Bonomo's final wish should probably not be taken too seriously. Its rudeness rather reflects the unceremonious intercourse between two good friends.
20 Deliciis: Veniant haec tibi cuncta, precor! zubringen lassen: All das wünsche ich dir auch!
voluistis ducere vitam...Veniant haec tibi cuncta
Lang apparently sent Bonomo to the court at Innsbruck and thus is held responsible for his sorry situation. However, Bonomo's final wish should probably not be taken too seriously. Its rudeness rather reflects the unceremonious intercourse between two good friends.
Tit. Matthaeum Lang O : episcopum gurtzensem m 2 in mg. dx. add. O
2 Lange corr. Di Brazzano : longe O
3 in add.