C. 179
(Di Brazzano Nr. 56)
Mirador should be here!



C. 176-188 form a set of 13 epitaphs in elegiac couplets written for Fuchsmagen. For further information, see introduction on C. 176.
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Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Vixi et quod potui scitatus: Plura volenti Ich habe gelebt und habe erforscht, was ich konnte: Meinem Wunsch, mehr
2 Noscere et implicitae consuluisse viae zu wissen und Vorkehrungen für meinen verwickelten Lebensweg zu treffen,
3 Obstitit hinc breviorque dies, hinc tradita nostris stand einerseits die kurze Lebenszeit im Wege, andererseits die uns mitgegebene
tradita nostris...Religio
the admission that the Church - which claims to possess all the truth a believer needs - has hindered the speaker in his quest for knowledge and understanding is unusually outspoken.
4 Religio. O melius consule, posteritas! Gottesfurcht. O Nachwelt, kümmere dich besser darum!
tradita nostris...Religio
the admission that the Church - which claims to possess all the truth a believer needs - has hindered the speaker in his quest for knowledge and understanding is unusually outspoken.