C. 216
(Reardon 151; Frommann 24)
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This section (C. 213-220) is a set of funerary epigrams for prominent representatives of both the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches. For information on the tradition of these epitaphs, see the introduction to C. 213.

This poem is an epitaph Pope Eugene IV. It focuses on his efforts to extend the power of the Catholic Church to other parts of the world.
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Zeigt 1 - 18 von 18
Transkribierter Text Übersetzung
1 Eugenius iacet hic quartus, cor nobile cuius Hier liegt Eugenius der Vierte, von dessen edlem Herz
Gabriele Condulmer (1431-1447), Pope Eugene IV (cfr. C. 212, 3). He died from the plague at the age of 64.
2 Testantur vitae splendida facta suae. die glanzvollen Taten in seinem Leben zeugen.
3 Istius ante sacros se praebuit alter ab ortu, Zu seinen heiligen Füßen wurden beide Kaiser vorstellig,
se praebuit alter ab ortu...Alter ab occasu Caesar
vv. 3–6: The Byzantine emperor named in these lines was John VIII Palaiologos, who met the pope in Ferrara in 1439 and accepted a union of the Greek and the Catholic Church in order to get some help against the Turks. The western emperor was Sigismund of Luxembourg, who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Eugene in 1433.
4 Alter ab occasu Caesar uterque pedes; der eine aus dem Osten, der andere aus dem Westen;
se praebuit alter ab ortu...Alter ab occasu Caesar
vv. 3–6: The Byzantine emperor named in these lines was John VIII Palaiologos, who met the pope in Ferrara in 1439 and accepted a union of the Greek and the Catholic Church in order to get some help against the Turks. The western emperor was Sigismund of Luxembourg, who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Eugene in 1433.
5 Alter ut accipiat fidei documenta Latinae, der eine, um die Lehren des römischen Glaubens zu empfangen,
6 Alter ut aurato cingat honore caput. der andere, um sein Haupt mit dem goldenen Ehrenschmuck krönen zu lassen.
7 Quo duce et Armenii Graecorum exempla secuti Unter seiner Herrschaft nahmen auch die Armenier, dem Beispiel der Griechen folgend,
Armenii...Aethiopesque...Syri ac Arabes mundique e finibus Indi
vv. 7–9: Between 1439 and 1445, Eugene concluded further unions with the Armenian church, the Syrian Jacobites and Maronites, and the Nestorians based in Mesopotamia. The latter may be the text's Arabes, but the Aethiopians and Indians are apparently added just for good measure.
8 Romanam agnorunt Aethiopesque fidem, sowie die Äthiopier den römischen Glauben an,
vv. 7–9: Between 1439 and 1445, Eugene concluded further unions with the Armenian church, the Syrian Jacobites and Maronites, and the Nestorians based in Mesopotamia. The latter may be the text's Arabes, but the Aethiopians and Indians are apparently added just for good measure.
9 Inde Syri ac Arabes mundique e finibus Indi - ebenso die Syrer, die Araber und die Inder am Ende der Welt -
Aethiopesque...Syri ac Arabes mundique e finibus Indi
vv. 7–9: Between 1439 and 1445, Eugene concluded further unions with the Armenian church, the Syrian Jacobites and Maronites, and the Nestorians based in Mesopotamia. The latter may be the text's Arabes, but the Aethiopians and Indians are apparently added just for good measure.
10 Magna, sed haec animo cuncta minora suo: große Errungenschaften, aber all das war für seine Ambitionen noch zu wenig:
11 Nam valida rursum Teucros iam classe petebat, Denn er startete erneut einen Versuch, die Türken mit einer mächtigen Flotte anzugreifen,
Teucri originally was an alternative name for the Trojans. Because of the phonetic similarity and geographic vicinity, the expression was sometimes applied to the Turks in medieval and early modern literature. In fact, Eugene IV never started a campaign against the Turks. The author exploits the ambiguity of the Latin imperfect tense, which can express an action underway but also an attempt or an intention, to heap as much praise as possible on the pope.
12 Dum petit ast illum sustulit atra dies. doch im Laufe dieser Unternehmung raffte ihn eines unheilvollen Tages der Tod dahin.
13 <Qui semper vanos tumuli contempsit honores> <Er schätzte die nichtige Ehre eines Grabmals stets gering>
14 Atque „Hac impressa condite", dixit, „humo." und verlangte daher auch „Begrabt mich unter dieser angedrückten Erde."
15 Sed non quem rubro decoraverat ille galero, Aber der, den er mit dem roten Kardinalshut geehrt hatte,
16 Non hoc Franciscus, stirps sua clara, tulit, Francesco, sein berühmter Nachfahre, konnte das nicht hinnehmen,
Francesco Condulmer, Eugenius' nephew. Although the epitaph states that the pope's tomb was erected by Francesco Condulmer's order, we know that the work was actually commissioned by another nephew, Cardinal Peter (cfr. the mention of his cardinal's hat bestowed on him by the pope in v. 15).
17 Susceptique memor meriti tam nobile, quod nunc und ließ aus Dankbarkeit für die empfangene Wohltat dieses ausgesprochen edle,
18 Cernis, tam praestans surgere iussit opus. prachtvolle Denkmal errichten, das du jetzt betrachtest.
1 quartus Reardon : xtus O
7 Graecorum Frommann : Graiorum Reardon : gragorum O
8 Romanam Frommann : Romanarn Reardon : Romana O
9 Syri ac Arabes Frommann Reardon : sciri ac arobes O Indi Frommann Reardon : Indī O
11 rursum Frommann Reardon : rnͨʃum O
13 Qui semper vanos tumuli contempsit honores Reardon : Qui semper vanos mundi contempsit honores Frommann : versus deest O
14 impressa Frommann Reardon : ne p͠ssa O
15 galero Frommann Reardon : galere O
16 stirps Frommann Reardon : scrops O clara Frommann Reardon : cara O
17 suscepti Frommann Reardon : suscepit O