C. 217
(Reardon 153)
Mirador should be here!
This section (C. 213-220) is a set of funerary epigrams for prominent representatives of both the Catholic and the Orthodox Churches. For information on the tradition of these epitaphs, see the introduction to C. 213.
This poem is an epitaph for Pope Nicholas V. It lists his achievements on moral, ecclesiastical, political and intellectual issues.
This poem is an epitaph for Pope Nicholas V. It lists his achievements on moral, ecclesiastical, political and intellectual issues.
Anzahl Seiten
Anzahl Zeilen
Zeigt 1 - 13 von 13
Transkribierter Text | Übersetzung | ||
1 | Hic sita sunt quinti Nicolai antistitis ossa, | Hier ruhen die Knochen von Papst Nikolaus dem Fünften, | Nicolai antistitis
this is Tommaso Parentucelli (1397-1455), pope Nicholas V (1447-1455). The epitaph is attributed to Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II).
2 | Aurea qui dederat saecula, Roma tibi. | der dir, Rom, ein goldenes Zeitalter beschert hat. | Aurea ... saecula
the Golden Age was the best age in world history according to the ancient doctrine of the ages.
3 | Consilio illustris, virtute illustrior omni, | Glanzvoll durch seine Klugheit, noch glanzvoller durch all seine Tugend, | |
4 | Excoluit doctos doctior ipse viros. | ehrte er die gelehrten Männer, und war selbst gelehrter als sie alle. | doctior
Nicholas V was indeed a learned man, the first humanist among the popes.
5 | Abstulit errorem, quo schisma infecerat orbem, | Er bereinigte den Makel, mit dem das Schisma die Welt befleckt hatte, | Abstulit errorem
Felix V, the last antipope in the history of the Roman church, resigned in 1449.
6 | Restituit mores, moenia, templa, domos. | und stellte die guten Sitten, die Mauern, die Kirchen und die Häuser wieder her. | Restituit...moenia, templa, domos
Nicholas V was among the greatest builders among the popes. Besides many other buildings, the first plans for the later Basilica of St. Peter were drafted at his instigation.
7 | Tum Bernardino statuit sua sacra Senensi, | Ferner verlieh er Bernhardin von Siena den Heiligenstatus, | Bernardino...Senensi
Bernardino of Siena (1380–1444) was an Italian priest and Franciscan missionary, canonized as a saint by Nicholas V in 1450.
8 | Sancta Iobelei tempora dum celebrat. | während man das heilige Jubeljahr feierte. | Sancta Iobelei tempora
According to the Old Testament (3 Mose 25), a jubilee year (including remission of debts and liberation of slaves) was to be celebrated in Israel every 50 years. In imitation of this custom, the Church began to celebrate its own jubilee years from 1300.
9 | Cinxit honore caput Friderici et coniugis aureo, | Er krönte das Haupt Friedrichs und seiner Gattin mit dem goldenen Ehrenschmuck | Friderici et coniugis
in 1452, Frederick III travelled to Italy to receive his bride Eleonor of Portugal (1434-1467) and to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor.
10 | Res Italas icto foedere composuit. | und ordnete die Verhältnisse in Italien durch einen Bündnisschluss. | Res Italas icto foedere composuit
This line alludes to the Treaty of Lodi (1454), a peace agreement concluded between Milan, Naples and Florence under the auspices of Nicholas V.
11 | Attica Romanae complura volumina linguae | Er ließ viele griechische Bücher in lateinischer Sprache | Attica Romanae complura volumina linguae...Prodidit
Nicholas had a number of Greek (Attica, from the region where Athens is situated) works translated into Latin (Romanae linguae).
12 | Prodidit. En tumulo fundite tura sacro! | herausgeben. Wohlan, besprengt sein heiliges Grab mit Weihrauch! | Attica Romanae complura volumina linguae...Prodidit
Nicholas had a number of Greek (Attica, from the region where Athens is situated) works translated into Latin (Romanae linguae).
Tit. et 1 Quinti Reardon : Quiti O
antistitis Reardon : antistatis O
schisma infecerat orbem Reardon : verba post quo difficilia lectu codicis resecti causa in O
tempora Reardon : tempera O
cinxit Reardon : enexit O
aureo Reardon : auor O
foedere Reardon : vedere O
volumina Reardon : folumina O
linguae O : linquae Reardon