C. 43
(Zingerle Nr. 30; Di Brazzano Nr. 1)
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This work is one of Bonomo's main poems with a political theme, which was probably circulated at the time of the Imperial Diet of Nuremberg in 1491. The aim of the poem is to condemn the behaviour of an enemy of the Habsburgs, Vladislaus II, (1456-1516), who was King of Bohemia (1471-1516), and King of Hungary and Croatia (1490-1516). Vladislaus II had ascended the throne of Bohemia with the support of Frederick III after a long dispute with the King of Hungary Mathias Corvinus. When Mathias Corvinus died (6 April 1490), Vladislaus had himself elected as his successor and crowned king of Bohemia, thus violating the treaties of Sopron (1463). According to this treaty, stipulated between Frederick III and Mathias Corvinus, who had contended for the throne of Hungary, the throne would return to the Habsburgs after Corvinus' death. Due to Vladislaus's behaviour, Maximilian I invaded Hungary in the summer of 1490, but without achieving significant success. The conflict ended in 1491 with the peace treaty of Bratislava, which on the one hand confirmed the election of Vladislaus II as king of Hungary, on the other hand established the Habsburgs' right of succession in case Vladislaus did not leave male heirs. Since there is no mention in the poem of some events of the conflict (the reconquest of Vienna and Wiener Neustadt in 1490 and the 1491 peace treaty), scholars argue that the composition of the poem dates back to the first stage of the conflict in 1490 (for a detailed analysis and the relevant bibliography, see Di Brazzano 2005, 389).
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1 Nunc canimus falsi periuria principis, et te, Nun besinge ich die Meineide des heuchlerischen Fürsten, und dich,
falsi periuria principis
reference to the main theme of the poem, that is Vladislaus' treachery.
2 Qui Stygias Erebique tenes, invise, paludes, der du die stygischen Sümpfe der Unterwelt beherrschst, Verhasster,
Qui Stygias Erebique tenes, invise, paludes
in this context, focussing on treason, the poet does not ask for the traditional Muses'inspiration, but he rather summons Pluto, the ruler of the underworld (Stygias Erebique paludes).
3 Consulimus, te in vota deum sine fine ciemus! dich ziehe ich zurate, dich rufe ich als unsterblichen Gott zu meinen Gebeten herbei!
4 Mens tibi vana placet, tibi crimina noxia cordi, Ein lügenhafter Geist gefällt dir, verderbliche Verbrechen sind dir Herzenslust,
5 Tu stimulas mortale genus, tibi concutit angues du quälst das Menschengeschlecht, für dich schüttelt Tisiphone ihre Schlangen
6 Tisiphone unanimosque armat in proelia fratres. und rüstet einträchtige Brüder für die Schlacht.
Tisiphone was one of the three Erinyes or Furies. She and her sisters Alecto and Megaera punished crimes of family homicide.
7 Da, precor, infaustas, Pluton, ad plectra querelas Ich bitte dich, Pluto, begleite mein Lautenspiel mit unheilvollen Wehklagen,
8 Tartareasque accende faces, infunde liquores entzünde die tartarischen Fackeln, lass die Wasser
another reference to the underworld.
9 Cocyti, recinant maesti mihi carmina manes! des Cocytus einströmen, die Manen mögen traurig meine Lieder widertönen lassen!
the Cocytus is one of the rivers of the underworld.
in Ancient Roman religion, the Manes were deities representing the souls of deceased beloved persons.
10 Rex viget Arctoo sub sidere, clarior alter Unter nördlichem Himmel steht ein König in Macht und Ansehen - keinen anderen
Vladislaus II.
11 Quo non ante fuit fidei pietate vel armis: gab es je zuvor, der in pflichtbewusster Treue und im Kampf ruhmvoller war als er:
12 Nulla virum flexit rudibus suscepta Bohemis Diesen Mann bezwang nicht der lügenhafte Irrglaube, welchen die grobschlächtigen Böhmen
13 Vana superstitio, dum plebs sibi rustica sorbet annahmen, indem der plumpe Pöbel das heilige Getränk schlürft
Vana superstitio
vv. 13–15: With the expression vana superstitio, Bonomo refers to Utraquism (from the Latin sub utraque specie, that is ʽunder both kindsʼ) or Calixtinism (from calix, mug), a belief amongst Hussites that communion with both bread and wine, as opposed to the bread alone, should not be exclusively reserved to the clergymen but should also be granted to the laity during the celebration of the Eucharist.
14 Sacratos latices, crusta nec convenit una und bezüglich der Beschränkung auf das Brot von jenen
15 Christicolis, Romana volunt qui iura tueri; Christen abweicht, die die Gesetze Roms wahren wollen;
16 Non flexit trepidusque furor iactataque passim ihn bezwang nicht der stürmische Aufruhr und die von überallher geschleuderten
17 Tela manu, saevit vario dum Praga tumultu. Geschosse, als in Prag etliche Tumulte wüteten.
Praga tumultu
Vladislaus's attempted to promote the Catholics, thus causing a rebellion in Prague in 1483. In spite of Bonomo’s statement, we know that the king had eventually to acknowledge the Hussites’ prominent influence within the municipal assemblies.
18 Grata diu regi steterant rectumque piumque, Lange blieben das Rechte und Gute dem König willkommen,
Grata diu regi steterant
vv. 18–33: the passage describes Vladislaus’ change of attitude after Mathias Corvinus’s death. Vladislaus wished to rule over both Bohemia and Hungary.
19 Dum solito fortuna loco, dum nulla fuerunt solange sein Leben in den gewohnten Umständen verharrte, solange keine Beute winkte,
20 Praemia et Hungariae nondum sibi quaereret arces solange er noch nicht nach den Burgen Ungarns trachtete
21 Nec lata duo sceptra manu tenuisse subiret und ihn das verderbliche Verlangen, zwei Zepter in der ausgestreckten Hand zu halten,
22 Dirus amor mentemque furor stimularet habendi. noch nicht überkam und die Habgier sein Gemüt nicht aufhetzte.
23 At simul invitum rapuit Proserpina crinem Sobald aber Proserpina dem pannonischen König gegen seinen Willen
rapuit Proserpina crinem...Pannonio regi
vv. 23–25: Image of the queen of the underworld (Proserpina), severing Mathias Corvinus’ hair, is used to describe the sudden death of the Hungarian king (Pannonius rex).
24 Pannonio regi, summum nec stare tyrannum das Haar abriss und das Schicksal nicht mehr wollte, dass der Tyrann
in 1485, Corvinus defeated Frederick III and occupied Vienna. Therefore, he who threathened Habsburgs' power is depicted quite negatively (summum tyrannum...perfida cervix) by Bonomo.
rapuit Proserpina crinem...Pannonio regi
vv. 23–25: Image of the queen of the underworld (Proserpina), severing Mathias Corvinus’ hair, is used to describe the sudden death of the Hungarian king (Pannonius rex).
25 Fata diu voluere, ruit dum perfida cervix in seiner Herrschaftsposition blieb, während das Genick des Verräters zu Boden sank
in 1485, Corvinus defeated Frederick III and occupied Vienna. Therefore, he who threathened Habsburgs' power is depicted quite negatively (summum tyrannum...perfida cervix) by Bonomo.
26 Divisique agitant vario discrimine regnum und zwei gespaltene Parteien das Reich mit allerlei Bedrohungen erschütterten,
Divisique agitant...Hinc proceres, hinc dux Corvi de nomine Ianus
after Mathias' death, two opposing factions were formed: the former, led by the Magyar nobility (proceres) and supported by the widowed queen, aimed to put Vladislaus on the throne, the latter was represented by Mathias's illegitimate son, János/John Corvinus (dux Corvi de nomine Ianus).
27 Hinc proceres, hinc dux Corvi de nomine Ianus auf der einen Seite die Adeligen, auf der anderen János aus dem Geschlecht des Corvus
Divisique agitant...Hinc proceres, hinc dux Corvi de nomine Ianus
after Mathias' death, two opposing factions were formed: the former, led by the Magyar nobility (proceres) and supported by the widowed queen, aimed to put Vladislaus on the throne, the latter was represented by Mathias's illegitimate son, János/John Corvinus (dux Corvi de nomine Ianus).
28 - Quid non, sacra fames lucri, quid, dira cupido, - wozu, verfluchte Habsucht, wozu, unheilvolle Gier,
fames lucri
according to Bonomo, what moved both sides was the greed for gain.
29 Insanas hominum mentes et pectora cogis? - , treibst du nicht alles die wahnsinnigen Geister und Herzen der Menschen? -,
30 Castra parat subitisque suos Vladislaus armis da rüstete Vladislav die Kriegslager, stattete die Seinen mit rasch zusammengerafften Waffen
31 Accingit violatque fidem sanctosque hymenaeos aus, brach die Treue und das heilige Eheversprechen
32 Brandemburgensis thalami, sponsalia prima, mit der brandenburgischen Braut, die erste Verlobung,
33 Perfidus et gestit viduo se immergere lecto; und trachtete danach, sich hinterlistig ins Bett der Witwe zu schleichen;
34 Quippe vocat grandi sponsum mercede Beatrix. Beatrix erwählte ihn freilich mit einem beachtlichen Lohn zum Bräutigam.
vocat grandi sponsum mercede Beatrix
vv. 30–34: In order to extend his dominions, Ladislaus was willing not only to move his armies, but also to break the marriage agreements he had previously entered into. To ascend to the throne of Hungary, he intended to break his engagement with Barbara, daughter of the Marquis Johannes Hohenzollern, thus being able to marry Beatrice of Aragon, Corvinus’ widow.
35 Quo ruis, infelix, quo te mala fata volutant? Wohin stürzt du, Unglückseliger, wohin treiben dich die bösen Schicksalsmächte?
Vladislaus II.
36 Otacari meminisse prius decet irrita regis Es wäre ratsam, sich an die erfolglosen Kämpfe deines Königs Ottokar zu erinnern,
in order to point out Vladislaus' ambition, Bonomo recalls Ottokar II, who was king of Bohemia (1253-1278). This king was able to increasingly expand his dominions to Austria and part of Hungary, thus aiming to ascend the imperial throne. However, the German prince electors gave the throne to Rudolph IV of Habsburg, who became emperor in 1273 and eventually defeated and killed Ottokar in the battle of Marchfeld (26 August 1278). Bonomo wishes to warn Vladislaus through a comparison with his predecessor: just as a Habsburg had put an end to the aspirations of a Bohemian ruler two centuries earlier, so now another Habsburg will put an end to Vladislaus' ambitions.
37 Arma tui fusasque acies caesumque Bohemum; an die niedergestreckten Schlachtreihen und den gefallenen Böhmen;
38 Nonne putas memores superos fandi atque nefandi? glaubst du nicht, dass die Himmlischen Recht und Unrecht im Gedächtnis behalten?
39 Mox tibi iusta dabit, Latio qui nomine frater Bald wirst du die gerechte Strafe erhalten von deinem Verwandten, der unter dem römischen Herrschertitel
40 Regna tenet didicitque feras contundere gentes, das Reich regiert und sich darauf versteht, wilde Völker zu zerschmettern,
41 Iusta dabit Caesar: Romani signa videbis bald wirst du die gerechte Strafe erhalten vom Kaiser: Du wirst die Banner des römischen
Iusta dabit Caesar
vv. 39–41: These verses predict the well-deserved punishment that the Roman king, Maximilian, supported by his father, Frederick III, will mete out to Vladislaus. Maximilian is called frater since Vladislaus’s mother, Elizabeth of Habsburg (c. 1436–1505), was a third cousin of Maximilian; so Maximilians great-grandfather Leopold III. (1351–1386) and Vladislaus’ great-great-grandfather Albrecht III. (c. 1350–1395) were brothers.
Romani signa...nigras aquilas
the black eagle was the symbol of the Habsburgs and, more generally, the symbol of imperial power.
42 Imperii, nigras aquilas; tibi Teutona tellus Reiches erblicken, die schwarzen Adler; gegen dich strömen das teutonische Volk,
Romani signa...nigras aquilas
the black eagle was the symbol of the Habsburgs and, more generally, the symbol of imperial power.
Teutona tellus...Vindelicusque furor, tibi Raetia castra
the poet follows the humanistic convention of naming populations and regions by their ancient names. In this context, he refers to Germany (Teutona tellus), to the Habsburg possessions of Bavaria (Vindelicusque furor) and Tyrol (Raetia castra).
43 Vindelicusque furor, tibi Raetia castra frequentant die vindelikischen Berseker und die Räter in Scharen in ihre Lager zusammen,
Teutona tellus...Vindelicusque furor, tibi Raetia castra
the poet follows the humanistic convention of naming populations and regions by their ancient names. In this context, he refers to Germany (Teutona tellus), to the Habsburg possessions of Bavaria (Vindelicusque furor) and Tyrol (Raetia castra).
44 Exitium paritura tuis; tua colla minaces um den Deinen das Verderben zu bringen; drohend erwarten deinen Hals
45 Expectant ferventque graves incude catenae. Ketten, schwer und glühend auf dem Amboss.
46 Quippe nec una tuum violavit foedera turpi Du hast freilich nicht nur einen Vertrag gebrochen mit deinem schändlichen
violavit foedera
vv. 46–56: Vladislaus not only betrayed his betrothed, but also opposed the will of his predecessor Mathias Corvinus, who, in the treaty of 1463, had enshrined the Habsburgs’ right of succession to the throne of Hungary after his death. By adopting such attitude, Vladislaus appears to be taking queen Beatrix in greater account than the two Caesars (Maximilian and his father Frederick III).
47 Fraude caput, nec sola suam fert sponsa querelam: Verbrechen, und nicht nur deine Verlobte bricht in Klagen aus:
48 Tu laceras, scelerate, tui pia iura parentis Du, Frevler, trittst die gottgefälligen Rechtsordnung deines Vaters mit Füßen,
49 Et, quibus ille sacro iunxit cum Caesare foedus, zerschlägst mit aller Macht die Verbindung, durch die jener mit dem ehrwürdigen Kaiser
50 Rumpere vincla potes tantumque infringere nodum? ein Bündnis einging, und zerreißt dies bedeutende Band?
6 Tisiphone corr. Zingerle : Tesiphone O
32 Brandemburgensis scr. Zingerle : Brandeburgensis scr. Di Brazzano : Brandembrugensis O : Brandeburgensis M
40 contundere M : supprimere O
43 Raetia castra frequentant scr. Di Brazzano Zingerle : Rethica castra frequentant O : Rhetia castra moventur M
77 inexpletas distendat scr. Di Brazzano : in expletas discendat O