C. 163
(Zingerle Nr. 53; Di Brazzano Nr. 41)
Mirador should be here!
This elegy poem combines the theme of love with a description of Barcola, which is a suburb of Trieste and Bonomo's homeland. Bonomo bids his friend Ianus - presumably Johannes Fuchsmagen or Johannes Tolhopf (see on C. 155) - farewell, since his love for Manlia - perhaps a fictitious character - irresistibly draws him back to Barcola, where he hopes to spend the rest of his life with her in a lovely, quaint landscape. For a detailed account, see Di Brazzano 2005, 460-65.
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Zeigt 51 - 68 von 68
Transkribierter Text | Übersetzung | ||
51 | Tum si Antenor<e>i fontes adiisse Timavi | Wenn wir dann freudig die Quellen von Antenors Timavo | Antenor...Timavi
the Timavo originates from four impressive karst springs at San Giovanni al Timavo and discharges into the Adriatic after a course of only two kilometers. The collocation Antenori ... Timavi is taken over from Lucan's Bellum civile 7,194 and alludes to Virgil's Aeneis 1,242-249, where the mouth of the river is mentioned as the place where Antenor landed after his escape from Troy before founding the city of Padua. The adjective's correction is necessary for morphological and metrical reasons.
52 | Iuverit et Dryadum Naiadumque domos, | besuchen und die Heimstätten der Wald- und Flussnymphen, | Dryadum Naiadumque domos
the Dryads and Naiads were wood and water nymphs respectively. Accordingly, their 'houses' are forests and water bodies.
53 | Insula praestabit calidas tibi, Manlia, lymphas | wird die Insel dir, Manlia, warmes Wasser darbieten | Insula praestabit calidas...lymphas
vv. 53–58: This passage seems to refer to the thermal baths of Monfalcone near the mouth of the Timavo. These hot springs were located on an island surrounded by the sea in the past and used to rise and fall together with the sea level. Bonomo is probably adopting Pliny’s description of this natural phenomenon (2,229 and 3,151). Today, the sea has receded so far that the town of Monfalcone, together with its springs, lies on the mainland; the warm springs, however, are still present.
54 | Inque salutifero suscipiere lacu. | und dich im heilbringenden Quellbecken in Empfang nehmen. | |
55 | Hunc referunt ponti refluas imitarier undas | Von diesem wird berichtet, dass es den Wellen des Meeres folgt, wenn sie zurückfluten, | |
56 | Cumque mari vivas crescere fontis aquas. | und seine lebhaften Quellfluten zusammen mit dem Meer wieder ansteigen lässt. | |
57 | Haec mihi Baiano pretios<i>or una recessu | Allein diese Insel wird für mich kostbarer sein als | Baiano ... recessu
Baiae (today Baia), situated at the Gulf of Naples, was famous for its hot baths and notorious for the licentious behaviour of their guests.
58 | Insula erit, thermis haec mihi, Roma, tuis! | das Refugium von Bajae, kostbarer als deine Thermen, Rom! | |
59 | Ast cum iam latos nix alta obsederit agros | Aber wenn der Schnee bald hoch auf den weiten Feldern liegt | |
60 | Et stabit rigido terra coacta gelu, | und der Erdboden zu starrem Eis gefroren ist, | |
61 | Saevus ubi egelida boreas remeabit ab Arcto | wenn der Nordwind tosend vom eisigen Nordpol heranbraust | |
62 | Canaque iam vastis fluctibus unda ruet, | und der schneeweiße Meeresstrom bald mit seinen gewaltigen Fluten herbeistürzt, | |
63 | Saltibus aut lepores venabimur aut mihi cervum | werden wir in den Gebirgswäldern Hasen jagen und ein Rudel von Jagdhunden wird mit lautem | |
64 | Deprensum magno murmure turba dabit. | Geknurre einen Hirsch in die Enge treiben und mir zur Beute machen. | |
65 | Sic mihi felicem videar traducere vitam | So werde ich das Gefühl haben, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen | |
66 | Et melius maestos fallere posse dies. | und den kummervollen Tagen besser entgehen zu können. | |
67 | Nil moror, ecce iterum revocat mea Manlia amantem: | Ich möchte keinen Tag zögern, sieh da, meine Manlia ruft ihren Geliebten wieder zu sich heim: | |
68 | Vix mihi tam gratas rex dabit ullus opes. | Schwerlich wird mir irgendein König derart liebreizende Kostbarkeiten schenken können. |
abortis O : obortis corr. Zingerle
quaeve corr. Zingerle : quae ne O
distendere corr. Zingerle : discendere O
Antenorei corr. Zingerle : Antenori O
pretiosior corr. Di Brazzano : pretiosor O
deprensum corr. Zingerle : deprehensum O