C. 209
Mirador should be here!



For the series of poems addressed to Hölzl, see introduction to C. 197.

The bishop of Trieste, in all probability Petrus Bonomus, told the author to ask Blasius Hölzl to intercede on his behalf for a post at the imperial court. The poet follows this counsel in the present epigram.
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1 Tergestinus ait praesul mihi, frigide vatum Der Bischof von Triest empfiehlt mir, ich möchte dich,
Bonomus became bishop of Trieste in 1502, which provides a probable terminus post quem for the poem.
This rebuke, as well as the blackmail in the last line, is probably playful. It implies an intimate relationship between the poet and his addressee.
2 Maecenas, ut te sollicitare velim, du frostiger Mäzen der Dichter, um Hilfe bitten,
This rebuke, as well as the blackmail in the last line, is probably playful. It implies an intimate relationship between the poet and his addressee.
3 Scilicet ut secum me Caesaris aula locaret. und zwar damit der Hofstaat des Königs mich in seine Reihen aufnimmt.
4 Si renuit, non me praesul habere potest. Wenn dieser ablehnt, kann mich der Bischof nicht an seiner Seite haben.
5 Haec loquere ad regem - vel si mea vota moraris, Teile dies dem König mit - und wenn du es versäumst, meine Wünsche auszurichten,
6 Infitiar laudes me cecinisse tuas. werde ich leugnen, jemals Loblieder auf dich gesungen zu haben.
Maximilianus Transylvanus Maximilianus Transylvanus
1 vatum coni. : natum O
3 aula coni. : aura O