C. 65
(A 150v-153r; Zingerle Nr. 63)
Mirador should be here!
In this poem in Sapphic stanzas, Niger praises the Viennese Senate with all its honourable qualities such as virtue, righteousness and wisdom, all its accomplished achievements and its meritorious patronage of poets. The author will travel the world, but through all dangers and barriers will always loyally sing the praises of the Senate.
As mentioned in the case of C. 64, the addressee of C. 65 is completely different from that of the poem contained in the manuscript A (fol. 150v–153r): the former is the sanctus Viennensium senatus (also defined as sanctus Germani populi senatus), the latter is Beltramo Costabile, a clergyman from Ferrara.
As mentioned in the case of C. 64, the addressee of C. 65 is completely different from that of the poem contained in the manuscript A (fol. 150v–153r): the former is the sanctus Viennensium senatus (also defined as sanctus Germani populi senatus), the latter is Beltramo Costabile, a clergyman from Ferrara.
Anzahl Seiten
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Zeigt 51 - 100 von 126
Transkribierter Text | Übersetzung | ||
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41 | Sed quod est plectro graviore dignum: | Dies aber ist einer feierlicheren Dichtung würdig: | |
42 | Tanta facundo comitas in ore est, | So viel Gutmütigkeit liegt in deiner eloquenten Rede, | |
43 | Tanta divino probitas refulget | so viel Rechtschaffenheit und Aufrichtigkeit strahlt dein | |
44 | Corde fidesque, | göttliches Herz aus, | |
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45 | Ut tibi prorsus cupiamus omnes | dass wir alle dir ganz und gar segensreiche | |
46 | Et dies laetos facilisque soles, | Tage wünschen, freundliche Sonnenstrahlen | |
47 | Tempus et felix niveo lapillo | und eine glückliche Zeit, die ein schneeweißer Stimmstein | niveo lapillo
in the early legal system of Rome, voting stones were used to pass judgement, a white one for approval or acquittal, a black one for rejection or condemnation (cfr. Ov. met. 15, 41-42).
48 | Condecorandum. | zieren soll. | |
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49 | Sed Niger fidens humilisque servus | Niger aber wird als dein vertrauensvoller und demütiger Diener | |
50 | Semper ardenti calamo sequetur | für immer mit glühender Schreibfeder und treuem | |
51 | Et tuas laudes nitidumque nomen | Herzen deinen Ruhm und deinen glänzenden | |
52 | Pectore firmo: | Namen begleiten: | |
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53 | Sive ad extremos penetrabit Indos, | Sei es, dass er tief in die entferntesten Gebiete Indiens vordringen wird, | Indos...Ganges
Indians, living in the area of the Ganges, are defined as extremi, since they were said to live on the eastern ends of the known world.
54 | Unde nimbosus rapidusque Ganges | von wo aus der regenbringende, reißende Ganges | Indos...Ganges
Indians, living in the area of the Ganges, are defined as extremi, since they were said to live on the eastern ends of the known world.
55 | In fretum praeceps ruit et minatur | steil in Richtung Meer stürzt und mit seinen Wogen | |
56 | Unda procellam, | drohend Sturmwinde ankündigt, | |
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57 | Sive apud Seras Scythicosque pigros, | sei es, dass er sich bei den Serern aufhalten wird und bei den trägen Skythen, | Seras
the Seres are an ancient population of central Asia and western China, which was famous in the classical world as a centre of silk production.
Scythicosque pigros
Scythae is the ancient name given to some of the equestrian nomadic peoples who lived in the Eurasian steppes north of the Black Sea. This negative depiction of Scythians as lazy people is not consistent with the Herodotean tradition, in which the Scythians were described as valorous warriors. It is rather reminiscent of Hippocr. De aq., in which the influence of cold climate is described in similar terms.
58 | Sarmatas acris, gelidos Gelonos, | bei den kampflustigen Sarmaten, den eisigen Gelonen, | Sarmatas...Gelonos
these Scythian tribes are described according to a stereotyped charachterization. The Sarmatians inhabited large parts of the Pontic steppe, while the Gelonians lived in the Dnjepr area.
59 | Thraces, Armenos, celeresque tento | Thrakern und Armeniern, oder bei den flinken Jazygen mit ihren | Thraces, Armenos...Iazyges
in these verses there is mention of populations living in different areas: The Thracians resided in Southeast Europe, northeast of Greece; ancient Armenia was located on the upper Euphrates and Tigris rivers; the Iazygians, a Sarmatian population, settled in the Danubian area.
60 | Iazyges arcu, | gespannten Bögen, | Thraces, Armenos...Iazyges
in these verses there is mention of populations living in different areas: The Thracians resided in Southeast Europe, northeast of Greece; ancient Armenia was located on the upper Euphrates and Tigris rivers; the Iazygians, a Sarmatian population, settled in the Danubian area.
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61 | Sive ad angustum maris advolabit | sei es, dass er flugs an die Meerenge des Bosporus | |
62 | Bosporum vel quae loca protulere | reisen wird oder an jene Orte, die den | |
63 | Caucasum tristem populosque saevos | Kaukasus hervorbrachten und die wilden Völker | |
64 | Corpore mixto, | mit ihren mischförmigen Körpern, | Corpore mixto
it is not entirely clear what is meant. Possibly the author is referring to ideas of monstrous mythical peoples, mixed human-animal creatures that the legends placed in various remote places of the world, for example the Cynocephalians who had human bodies but dog heads.
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65 | Sive Germanos domitosque Cimbros | oder zu den Germanen und schließlich zu den gebändigten | Germanos...Cimbros
vv. 65–67: By moving from East to West, this section deals with populations settled in the Germanic area (Germani, Cimbri and Sicambri) and the Celtic area (Morini and Galli). The Cimbrians were a northern Germanic people who originally settled in Jutland and what is now Schleswig-Holstein. The Morini were a Celtic tribe living in the historical region of Flanders in Roman times. The Sicambri were a Germanic people who lived on the east bank of the Rhine, in today's Germany near the border with the Netherlands.
66 | Tandem et audaces Morinos, fidelem | Zimbern, zu den kühnen Morinern, den königstreuen | Morinos
vv. 65–67: By moving from East to West, this section deals with populations settled in the Germanic area (Germani, Cimbri and Sicambri) and the Celtic area (Morini and Galli). The Cimbrians were a northern Germanic people who originally settled in Jutland and what is now Schleswig-Holstein. The Morini were a Celtic tribe living in the historical region of Flanders in Roman times. The Sicambri were a Germanic people who lived on the east bank of the Rhine, in today's Germany near the border with the Netherlands.
67 | Regibus Gallum, docili Sicambros | Galliern oder den mit leicht formbarer Haarpracht | Gallum...Sicambros
vv. 65–67: By moving from East to West, this section deals with populations settled in the Germanic area (Germani, Cimbri and Sicambri) and the Celtic area (Morini and Galli). The Cimbrians were a northern Germanic people who originally settled in Jutland and what is now Schleswig-Holstein. The Morini were a Celtic tribe living in the historical region of Flanders in Roman times. The Sicambri were a Germanic people who lived on the east bank of the Rhine, in today's Germany near the border with the Netherlands.
68 | Crine decoros, | gezierten Sigambrern, | |
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69 | Sive ad Hispanos triplices, Britannos | in die drei Regionen Hispaniens, zu den von der Welt | Hispanos triplices, Britannos...Orbe divisos
these verses refer to Western Europe, including Continental Europe (Hispani) and Britain. The adjective triplices, referred to Hispanos, may indicate the Roman administrative division of Hiberia in Hispania Tarraconensis, Baetica, Lusitania.
70 | Orbe divisos, vigilem draconem | weit abgeschiedenen Britanniern, zum unermüdlich wachenden Drachen | Hispanos triplices, Britannos...Orbe divisos
these verses refer to Western Europe, including Continental Europe (Hispani) and Britain. The adjective triplices, referred to Hispanos, may indicate the Roman administrative division of Hiberia in Hispania Tarraconensis, Baetica, Lusitania.
vigilem draconem...Hortuli ditis
in a far western corner of the earth, at the edge of the encircling world-ocean lay the mythological Garden of the Hesperides, where a tree of golden apples grew (Hortuli ditis), guarded by Ladon, a multiheaded dragon who never slept (vigilantem draconem).
71 | Hortuli ditis Libycosque fines | des Gärtchens voller Schätze, in das Land der Libyer | Libycosque fines
the expression indicates the area of Africa.
vigilem draconem...Hortuli ditis
72 | Seu Garamantes, | oder zu den Garamanten, | Garamantes
the Garamantians were a Berber people in what is now known as Fezzan, whose Kingdom is considered as Libya's first indigenous empire.
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73 | Vel Nigros ibit super altiores, | sei es, dass er über die hoch oben lebenden schwarzen Menschen hinaufsteigen wird, | Nigros
the term presumably indicates black people living in higher places.
74 | aut super Memphim celerisque Nili | oder hoch über Memphis und die grauenerregende Mündung | Memphim...Nili
the city of Memphis and the Nile are situated in Egypt.
75 | Horridas fauces rapidasque Syrtes | des schnellen Nils und die gefährlichen Syrten | Syrtes
name of two large inlets (Syrtis maior and Syrtis minor) between Carthage and Cyrene, feared by sailors due to the dangerous sandbanks.
76 | Semper arenae, | mit ihren unvergänglichen Sandmassen, | |
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77 | Vel per arentes Arabas vel ultra | oder durch die ausgetrockneten Araberlande ziehen wird, über die | Arabas...Persicos...Medum...Hyrcanum...Emodiorum
vv. 77–80: After a reference to Arabians and Persians (Medi is another name for the Persians), the strophe deals with the area of the Caspian Sea (Hyrcanus pelagus) and the Emodi Montes (= iugum Emodiorum), that is the eastern part of the Himalaya. The grammatically correct form would be Emodorum; the adaptation was made to squeeze the expression into the metre.
78 | Persicos montes et aprica Medum | persischen Berge hinaus, die sonnigen Strände | Persicos...Medum
vv. 77–80: After a reference to Arabians and Persians (Medi is another name for the Persians), the strophe deals with the area of the Caspian Sea (Hyrcanus pelagus) and the Emodi Montes (= iugum Emodiorum), that is the eastern part of the Himalaya. The grammatically correct form would be Emodorum; the adaptation was made to squeeze the expression into the metre.
79 | Litora, Hyrcanum pelagus iugumque | der Meder, das hyrkanische Meer und die Gebirge | Hyrcanum
vv. 77–80: After a reference to Arabians and Persians (Medi is another name for the Persians), the strophe deals with the area of the Caspian Sea (Hyrcanus pelagus) and the Emodi Montes (= iugum Emodiorum), that is the eastern part of the Himalaya. The grammatically correct form would be Emodorum; the adaptation was made to squeeze the expression into the metre.
80 | Emodiorum, | des Emodos, | Emodiorum
vv. 77–80: After a reference to Arabians and Persians (Medi is another name for the Persians), the strophe deals with the area of the Caspian Sea (Hyrcanus pelagus) and the Emodi Montes (= iugum Emodiorum), that is the eastern part of the Himalaya. The grammatically correct form would be Emodorum; the adaptation was made to squeeze the expression into the metre.
Tit. Francisci Nigri Veneti doctoris in sanctum Viennensium senatum ode dicolos tetrastrophos paeoniproseuctice O : In divum Beltramem Constabilem, christianae religionis stephanophorum diarytam, Francisci Nigri Liburni endecasyllabum sapphicum A
Sancte regentum metuende coetus O : Dive Beltrames, columen paterni A
Austriae corr. Zingerle : Austriace O
splendor nitidumque sidus O : Sanguinis, splendor patriae perennis A
modulatur A : modulatur corr. Zingerle : modulator O
aequiparare scr. Zingerle : aequipare O : aequiperare A
Sancte regentum cecinisse coetus O : Dive Beltrame cecinisse dignus A
Carmine digno O : carmine quodam A
Seras O : feras A
Iazyges corr. Zingerle : Iaziges O : Iapiges A
saevos coni. Zingerle : veros O : neros A
Garamantes O : Garamantum A
Hesperiosve O : Vel freta Ponti A
Sancte Germani populi senatus O : Dive Beltrame tua pensitabo A
Te celebrabit O : Factaque nomen A
Facta cantabunt ubicumque vestra O : Dive Beltrames recinent iocoso A
Credite Patres O : Carmine dignum A